Its been a long week. My long planned vacation (to get so much done) was turned into a lot of worrying and traveling back and forth to my vet in snowstorms. Unfortunately the ride to my vet includes some very steep inclines. So - as you can imagine, despite my wonderful new CR/V with AWD and new Blizzak's - my cowardly self was white knuckling it. I haven't made a lot of progress on my sweater.
On Thursday - my vet called me to say that Charlie was still not eating and maybe he would eat if I was there. So I drove (in a snowstorm) to the vet. He wouldn't eat for me either.. So I drove back home (in a snowstorm).
On Friday - my vet called to tell me that they are force feeding Charlie - he wasn't vomitting so they would let him come home and I would have to force feed him at home. I drove (the day after the snowstorm on snow packed roads) and picked him up. Got him home - took him out of the car, went in to get my dogs behind a gate, came back into the garage and Charlie had escaped from the soft carrier I bought. By the time I got him from under my car - my two dogs had jumped over the gate. I tried to carry Charlie in the basement - but he jumped out of my arms when he saw that the dogs were loose. Alas - Belle caught him - got him in her mouth and was shaking him. I was a mess. I FINALLY stopped the attack, got the dogs upstairs and retrieved my poor cat from behind the washing machine. I cleaned up his wounds and put antibiotic ointment on them. I also managed to force feed him and gave him more Amoxicillin.
I was a wreck. Am still feeling SO GUILTY to put him through all this. I should have put the dogs in the backyard.
But the good news is that later that night I gave him some new cat food I bought (Whiska's Purrfection ) - and he is EATING on his own!! He loves it. I only had to force feed him once.. which is a good thing since it is not very effective. I had more food on me than him.
By this AM - he is doing a lot better than me. He is eating, playing with his toys, and his wounds are still not infected. I figure he still has so much Amoxicillin in him from last week (I still have about a day's worth to give him) - that he would fend off any infection if he does get one but he looks fine. I know - I keep checking.
So - I still have 2 more days of vacation but its been nerve wracking. Somedays I think I should find him a new home without prey-drive happy border collies - but then he is 8 yrs old and I just don't think He would be happy. He might just try to find me.
So - I sit here today - watching the Season 5 "24" marathon on WGN (they just found out that President Logan was helping the terrorists!) and still working on my PW Southwest sleeves. For some reason - using Addi 8 16 inch circulars is giving me hand cramps. I cannot knit for long periods of time. I don't remember having such problems when I knit the traditional. I must be getting old. Here is where I'm at. I did end up putting some stripes at the top since my measurements were off:
So - I am praying that my pet life improves this week. And maybe my next vacation will be more productive??
Your sweater sleeve is coming right along! And it is beautiful!
And... pets.. about the time you think you have everything under control? They come up with something else! I had a Dalmation that was that way. Our Blue Heeler mix would just look at me sometimes and it looked as if she was saying "did you see what stupid did?". I miss them both terrible at times. But we decided to not get another outdoor pet at this time, due to neighbors. We now have an aquarium!
Thanks Sheryl! My late Golden Retriever loved cats (he raised Charlie) - but I will definitely not be getting anymore cats as long as I have border collies. They have very high prey drives and will chase anything that moves. I know - my morning walks are always a challenge anytime we see a bunny, a cat, or Mr Fox - especially when it is icy outside. But I do love all of them! Despite their bad behavior.
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