I gave up on the Sensational Sock book since the only toe up pattern wasn't a plain sock and I really need to start simple. And I couldn't figure out which "number" I needed to cast on. I know - I have a graduate degree in Biochemistry - but I couldn't sort out the sizes. Duh.
Then I found some other "tutorials" on the net. I pulled out my fancy smancy new Lantern Moon Rosewood size 1 DPN's. Snapped two within the first min. Forget those! I pulled out my Crystal Palace Bamboo's (size 1) - and was able to do a couple of rows- but the stitches are so small and you start with so few of them - I dropped a couple of stitches (I guess I should do my first pair on bigger needles but I'm stubborn and want to use my pretty Juliet yarn). Tried a few more times but then I realized that these directions used 4 DPNs for the stitches and I like using 3. I need SIMPLE!
My search continued. Came home and watched Knitty Gritty. Wow - they were showing Toe Up socks! But alas - she also used 4 DPN's. What's with this 4 DPN's? Just more sticks flying every which way.
I FINALLY found a tutorial here . Ahhh - very nice. Lots of pictures and uses 3 DPN's. After a few attempts - I am now a proud owner of 3 rows! I'm so proud:
And I forgot to say a big Thank you for all the kind words on my Kauni. Yes - I will model it along with my Dale St Moritz if I ever find time to finish it. This may not be until xmas so don't get too impatient!
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