The bad news is that I have a predicament - Where do I start the next sleeve colorwise.. Not sure if it is obvious - but the color combinations in the sleeve are definitely not the same as the body:
I spent most of the body with a 1 color difference but I spent most of the sleeve with a 2 color difference. The color repeats are so long with this yarn - that it is almost impossible (I know.. The Yarn Harlot did it but I'm not close to her level of expertise..) - to determine exactly how to match a combination. PLUS - with one sleeve mostly purple/red/orange.. I think I want greens in the other one.
So I think I should not even try to get a match. If I try and I'm a little off it will look worse than if I don't try.
I'm getting kinda tired of working on Kauni. This always happens to me since I don't get much time to knit and it takes me so long to finish something. But I WILL get this done and then go back to some socks.
I also ordered some of these this week:

I was tired of my old stackable storage bins falling apart whenever I moved anything around. These seem very sturdy. I will "flash my stash" when I get it reorganized. That may not be until Labor Day tho - when I'm taking time off work.
Don't worry about the other sleeve -- just go for it -- that's the whole idea of the design isn't it?
Love the bins -- great colours-- mine are basic beige!
Yep - I already started the next one at a yellow/green combo. Que sera! Que sera!
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