This was a fun knit (except maybe for last night...) - and I learned a lot of new things. thanks so much to everyone for all the help!
Knitting, reading, programming and keeping up with two manic border collies in the beauty of the Colorado Rockies.
Well done, it looks terrific. I'm so glad you didn't make the sleeves to match; it drives me crazy when people do that because I think it's missing the point of working with this yarn. I particularly like the bits where the green and blue collide.
Beautiful sweater! I like how the button band kinda pulls it all together colorwise. Are we going to get a modeled shot?
Your sweater is beautiful!!! I'm glad it was fun. I need to get knitting mine. thanks for the inspiration!!!
Just beautiful! Wonderful work.
It came out great! It's just like mine, except I'm at a stand still. For the life of me, I can't get the corrugated ribbing around the neck right. I've torn it out 5 times now. So, today it's in "time out" and I'm mad. Did the waist band with no problem but can't get the neck right.
Can't wait till mine is off the needles. Great job!
Sheri in GA
Wow, I'm impressed and jealous both in equa duelling parts!
Oh this Kauni cardi is so nice..i have just purchased the pattern for Ruth Sorensons autumn cardigan and the yarn from Garnbutik...just waiting for postie to come.
Beautiful job, to echo the group lol:) And I also must say I agree with Helen on the sleeve issue ;) I do obsess about most everything, but I think the fun of this yarn is that it doesn't match....right? But for those who did, that's all good too :)I say whatever tickles your pickle hee,hee!
Wow! Beautiful, absolutely beautiful. The Kauni and the Collies!!
I am a "computer illiterate" I figured out how to make a button with a link to the KAL for the Autumn cardigan. It's on the left column on my blog
If you know how to do it you are welcome to it. I don't know how "buttons" for things with links get passed on.
Didn't mean to leave out the cute kitty too!
It is gorgeous, Ricki. When I do mine, maybe I won't match the sleeves either. It is part of the fun.
Judy S.
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