So I decided to reassemble only a few of the old cubicles. I ended up having to put ALL of the old ones back together to hold everything and find some new spots to put everything.
I am clueless. My yarn is expanding when I'm not watching. I have yarn rabbits.
Now for those of you that think you have a lot of yarn.. I am flashing my stash. Everyone should do this every so often as incentive to stop buying more yarn.
Here are the new baskets. Aren't they pretty? I just wish they were bigger. The white and green ones in the middle are just sock yarn, and the three on the left are just shawl yarn. The aqua cubicles are my old containers that I was hoping to throw out. Sigh
And here is the rest of it.
In the next photo - the brown boxes hold my fabric stash - yes I used to sew and keep telling myself that maybe when I retire:
So thats it for another year. And I'm not buying anymore yarn.. ever ever..
I think it is time I visited and helped you clean out your stash. I have a lot of left over stuff that I probably will never use. What do you do with that?Do you keep it all and think you'ss find some use someday?
Hah! Anytime - you are welcome! I have a big plastic bag where I have been putting some of the leftover yarn but I don't have much. Sometimes I just toss it!
Actually its your fault I got into the sock yarn - now its like crack - not too $$ and so pretty!
See now I have my stash in rubbermaid totes but like the fact that your storage allows you to "see" the yarn. You do have a substantial stash ... HOWEVER, as yarn "collectors" you are obligated to continue accordingly... just blame the rabbits!
Michelle - I completely agree. One cannot have too much yarn. I blame it on moving to Denver - no moths here, no siree!
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