Sunday, August 26, 2007

I am such a dolt!

I was so happy.. almost done, sewing on buttons. But something didnt' seem right. Well - the buttonband (you know the hard one with the holes in it) - didn't go all the way up to the neckband. Hah!

So what do you think folks. Can I do a section of corrugated ribbing and seam them together. Anything is possible right?

Here is a prettier photo of both sleeves done.

I ended up only making 4 buttonholes using the 2-color technique in "Sweaters From Camp" since I had some nice red buttons - but only 4. The thought of doing it all over makes me cringe. I am going to try to selvage it but may have to.

Only 4 days of work this week! YAY! I am taking Friday off and then 3 days the next week after Labor day -- 6 days in all. Hope to finish this freakin thing!

Later: well - my attempts at fixing it didn't work. So I took the band off and will reknit it. I only lost 1 day of knitting so I shouldn't be too upset. right?????


1 comment:

Sonya said...

Sorry your fix didn't work. It was worth a try though! Your sweater is gorgeous! I just got a couple inches past the armhole steeks yesterday. Watching the color changes really keeps me knitting.