Here she is:

My sister wants me to put my photo up on the blog.. Not on a Saturday night when I look like I just spent the whole day doing chores - which I did. I will take one with the vest once I finish it 100% after I get ready for work and look human.
Remember my post which justified buying Lorna's Laces Helen's Laces since I wasn't going to the Denver Creative Festival? Well - I got online and saw the vendor list - Cheryl Oberle Designs, Interlacements. So - I'm going. I signed up for 1 day admission (Fri) and to take the Philosopher's Wool seminar. It will be fun. And who knows what I'll see. Maybe even get inspired to sew again?? Nah..
Good news on the health front. My doctor put me on generic statins for my cholesterol - it was up to 259 last year! I just had it retested - total is 187, HDL is 58, LDL is 112. Wow! Statins are a wonder drug. I'm impressed. Doctor is very happy with my results. So am I!
So now - onto this
I'll be doing the wheat/cream/blue pullover on the right. Hopefully - by the time its done - my hot flashes will be gone too or else I may regret not doing a cardigan.
Thanks everyone for the kind words on my FO's. I love them too!
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