Well... last night I was looking at the list of classes for the Denver Creative Festival (during which I planned a yarn splurge in Feb) and the only "knitting" related one was Philosopher's Wool. Everything else was sewing. I used to sew - but frankly - I cannot do both sewing and knitting and reading and working so - I picked knitting. So I am not expecting a plethora of yarn choices. Not sure if I am going. And I just found out that I will be receiving $3600 more in a refund from IRS this year than I expected (later: I think this was a mistake on my mortgage lender's website for YTD interest so I don't think its true). Plus I don't knit socks so sock yarn isn't an option. And I think I'm just tired of all this snow and ice and cold and long work hours and having antsy animals around.
I'm trying to justify why I just ordered this. Its Lorna's Laces Helen's Lace yarn (silk/wool) in color brick. I have been looking for that color to eventually make the shawl on page 133 of Victorian Lace Today. Sigh.. Guess its time to take the button off the blog.

(Later): left front band is done. So far so good on the yarn.

And this has been a day of firsts: used my snow blower for the first time. It's wonderful - not to have to lift up that shovel over my head anymore. And I used my electric ball winder for the first time. Once I got the tension right - it was a snap. Got those two hanks of Hybridean balled up in secs!
Almost forgot - Season 6 of "24" starts tonight!! So excited!
1 comment:
Ricki, I am on the dale KAL w/you and your sweater is gorgeous!!!
oh yes, 24!!!!!!!!!!!!
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