Sunday, September 23, 2007

Slow progress

I'm still moving forward. I'm spending half of my time reading and reworking one section of the spreadsheet at a time until I'm comfortable that it reflects Hanne's directions and then the other half of my time knitting it. I'm almost done with the first striped section - have 4 more ridges to go - and then I'm ready to tackle the first gusset (my spreadsheet is ready for that section).

Here is my progress today. As you can see - I have already done the cast off that ends the collar at the neck edge.

It really is a nice design. If I can keep my nose to the ground - hopefully I can get this right.

The gal who is running the Hanne KAL has asked me to contact Amy before I provide anyone with the size small pattern. I'm thinking now that I may just send it to Amy if and when I get it to work and if she is interested - she can add it to the one she has already created. If not - that is OK too. I will just have it for future knitting.

I FINALLY received my invite to join Ravelry. I was so excited to see what the hoopla is all about. One more thing to surf. What did we do without the internet? Talk to each other? Hah!

Have a great week.

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