I finished my Juliet Fondly yarn first toe up socks - I'm very happy with them altho I think I am going to take out the bind off and make the cuff longer:
So it was time to break out my first hank of Socks That Rock.. in Minestone. Gorgeous! Well it was a mistake. I thought my electric ball winder had time to heal since the Kauni fiasco and would perform. Not! I ended up with this big mess of a ball of yarn. Lucky me though - two week ago I forgot I already had a hank of Minestone in my stash when I ordered a second one - I know my stash is so big I don't know what I have anymore. Anyway I planned to give the extra one to my sister. Well - I knew she would understand my predicament so I said a fond farewell to the overpriced yarn monster -
and wound the second hank with my old manual Royal. It worked just fine.. And I started a new sock. This yarn is wonderful - here is the start of a new sock:
Then I decided I really need to do something about this ball winding issue. I have more large hanks of Kauni and its too hard - when you have a large number of small balls - to remember which ball ended and which ball started at the same place. I had insomnia last night so I got online and bought one of these:

Its a Jumbo Ball Winder by Royale - is manual so hopefully it won't break and it has received super reviews. Colorsong says: "I can't begin to tell you how much I love this ball winder - winding has become one of my favorite parts of knitting! Unlike smaller winders, the action is smooth, steady, and simply entrancing to watch." So I think I will like it.
Then my insomnia was so bad that I stayed up till midnight untangling my blob of STR - got it all done, rewound it manually, and sending it off to my sister.
I think - once these socks are done I am going to FINALLY attack one of the Hanne Falkenburg kits I bought awhile ago. Its a Blue/Green Mermaid. They are supposed to have complicated patterns but Amy on the KAL has created an easy spreadsheet to follow. The yarn is to die for - very soft.
It will probably be a couple week until I start since right now I'm exhausted and plan to plop.
Has anyone seen The Last King of Scotland. I netflixed it and Forrest Whittaker is amazing as Idi Amin. Sad movie but so good.
Have a great week.
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