So.. HELP! If nobody has any advice - I will just wing it. My sister reminded me that this seam will be under the arm and not too noticeable which is true but I would like it to be at least decent.
So here are my sleeves.. Please don't tell me you can tell that the one on the right looks a little shorter than the one on the left. It can't be true - I think they will be OK after I block them which is the next thing on my list:
It feels good to get that knitting done. I find that I don't enjoy knitting rows and rows of garter stitch..especially with yarn that isn't very soft. I'm not a fast knitter normally - but with garter it takes me longer to get my right needle through the bump. Maybe I need to use my KnitPicks Harmony's which are pointier. But they are done. Now its just finishing!
And is anyone feeling like we shouldn't be eating dinner this early? It always takes my body a week to adjust to Daylight Savings Time. I think we all should petition Congress to just forget it. Just forget it! Geezz..
Later.. I blocked the Mermaid and then realized that unless I sew my Southwest steeks I had nothing to knit all week! Eeekk.. Sorry Judy - but I don't want to start the Antique Lace before I finish the other two. So I shopped my stash and out popped this: Opal Crazy. This yarn is so much fun, changes irregularly. I don't know why I haven't used it yet. I decided to follow my toe up recipe - very simple and mindless. Here is the start:
Mindless knitting is good!
The next day: I did some more searching and finally found a description of how to seam vertical garter to vertical garter in Sally Melville's "A Knitting Stitch". Looks pretty simple.
I'm not going to start the lace top for awhile either. I did a swatch tho. That sock yarn is pretty. I had so much trouble with the last pair I tried from the toe up that I started another from top down.
The hardest part is the beginning. I'm wondering if it would be easier to do that figure 8 looping (per Cookie on Knitty Gritty) and then pull the yarn tighter. I may try that the next time.
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