and the back where I'm almost done with the flower:

I'm wondering though if I have the stamina to do the same thing all over again with the sleeves. Maybe? Maybe not. I may need to take a break to do something that doesnt' require having to check back to a chart every minute.
I am getting estimates to have central A/C installed in my home. I've lived here 19 yrs and braved Colorado summers with an attic fan and a water cooler in my bedroom. I recall reading that "real Coloradans" don't own A/C. But the summers are getting hotter, my tolerance is getting weaker, so I've decided to take the plunge. Unfortunately my electric panel is full so I'm being told I need a bigger one (approx $1500). And my old furnace isn't going to hack cooling off my bedroom with cathedral ceiling and skylights - so I need a furnace with a variable speed blower. Bottom line - what started as a reasonable amount I could afford is growing into a project which I cannot afford and also buy a new car. I think I will need to find a solution that cools down my bedroom (getting a new electrical panel and buying a one zone ductless system) and then - next year - I'll get the whole package (A/C and new furnace). The joys of home ownership!
Also found out this week that I have borderline glaucoma. That really made my day. The doctor has decided to just watch it for now and I have to come back in 6 months for another checkup. If it gets worse he will put me on eye drops for the rest of my life. Makes me think that choosing a career which required me to stare at a monitor for 8-9 hours a day may have been a bad idea?
At the same visit - I swapped in my old trifocals for two pairs bifocals.. one with Near/Far and the other with Mid/Near (for computer work). The first was great, the second I couldn't see at all. The gal told me they were made to wear over my contacts. Geezz.. now why would anyone buy prescription lenses to wear over contact? Duh? So now they need to change the lenses.
If you read about the Colorado snowstorm that caused a 30+ car crash on I-70 yesterday? I didn't get any snow at all! Amazing - Denver has many mini-climates within the metro area. I'm closer to the mountains which "sometimes" protect us from storms. Sometimes..
Your sweater is coming along beautifully, I was going to stop my body to do sleeves, LOL...just waiting on my DPNs...your colors are terrific.....can't wait to see FO
If you cast on a sleeve right away, you'll have more of a chance of finishing. There's a fair bit of plain stockinette in the sleeve.
Looks great.
Good idea Lorraine! Getting back into the stockinette mode may give me enough of a break from the charts plus I don't think I have to deal with 5 charts at the same time!
Purty, purty! Your Dale is looking fabulous!
We were all prepared for the storm up here in the mountains and only got a light dusting. We still enjoyed a nice roaring fire in the fireplace.
I don't blame you for wanting A/C. We used to live in Denver and Colorado Springs and I know how hot it can get down there..one of the reasons we moved up to 9,035 elevation :-)
My grandfather has glaucoma. Eat lots of Vitamin A. There really are studies showing that lots of Vitamin A (in beta carotene - which you can't overdose on) can prevent glaucoma. It might work to reverse borderline.
Your Dale is looking really good (love the colors). I think I'm at nearly the same point on Sapporo. I have about 7 rows left in the official pattern, a sleeve and then the yoke. I'm adding in some short row shaping (if it doesn't look stupid) in the color pattern though - about 6-8 rows of it.
Thanks everyone! I'm pleased with how the Dale is turning out as well. And I have a huge amount of admiration for those who knit so many of these!
Good news - I was given 12 month - no payment - no interest financing if I decide to go the full AC/Furnace route immediately. I still have 2 more estimates but now I have one viable alternative.
Vitamin A huh? It's worth a try. Isn't that one of the vitamins you can Overdose on? Or is that D? There's always carrots!
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