This weekend was a lot more productive than last! I have finished the back and now I'm into the arm gusset. Spending a lot of time working on the spreadsheet since I have to reverse my previous work for the rest of the pattern. This is where size small diverges a lot from size medium, fewer stripe ridges, fewer decs (or incs), different ridge where the decs (or incs) start so its easier to just compare each section with my previous work than to use anything from Amy's spreadsheet. I'm close.. very close. I think the pattern should be done within a week or so. I am probably not being 100% mirror image since that would take comparing every row to every previous row and I don't have the patience. But I'm satisfied with the results and I hope others can benefit from the time I've spent on this.
Here is where I'm at:

And a closeup of the back:

I feel so bad for the Rockies! They were doing so well and now they can't do anything right. Oh well - there's always next year!
Have a good week.
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