Here is my cardigan. I am REALLY happy with the color combinations now. I get to a "2 color difference" for awhile which changes to a "1 color difference". So now I am at a "blue/violet" section. So pretty!
And here is a closeup showing my current section:
I have decided - once I get to the sleeves which are done from the top down - to reverse the yarn direction so that the colors change in the same direction when you are looking at the sweater. Subtle difference but I think it will look better. Not sure if I have enough yarn to start them at the same place - I'll see after I finish the body.
So... I had a bout of vertigo this week (my dr said its from allergies and the "stuff" dripping into my ear canal) - was at the grocery store to get a Singulair RX filled.. and saw the latest issue of KnitSimple. I fell in love with this and had to get the pattern! It is a Louet pattern called Madisson. They suggest Louet Merlin Worsted - but its very pricey. Not sure what I will use.

I thought it was so pretty.. the lace, the shawl collar.. not so sure about the peplum. But why or why - do they not show an entire sweater when they advertise a pattern? Why does she have her arms covering half of the front? Geezz..Of course my imagination took over and that didn't stop me.
I think tho - I will go back to socks for awhile after Kauni. I'd like to try one of the fancier sock yarns this time.. I ordered some Socks That Rock yarn which I am anxious to try.
Once again. so much yarn and so little time to knit! I need to retire soon!
Well - it may be awhile before I'm back. I'm not about to leak out the ending but I may be tempted to peak.
Your Kauni is very similar to mine in colour. I started on purple and green and went right into the blue and yellow. Nice to see how it looks ahead of where I am knitting.
That is gorgeous, Ricki. Waiting for my yarn.The color combinations look great in your photos and I can't imagine why you didn't like them. All the better for me.
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