I just put down Harry Potter 7. It really is an amazing book and end to the saga - filled with much more action and emotion than the others. The end is wonderful, the book is wonderful - but I have this overriding sadness that the trip is over. No more to read. I also think the book is very dark in sections.. not so sure its that good for young ones but this senior (or close to be a senior) loved it. Good bye Harry - we all loved you!
And I did do more Kauni this week. Was too tired to read much after work but I could slog thru some Kauni stockinette. I'm past the start of the neckline so I see the end of the body ahead.
This is another activity that I will miss... it is so much fun seeing the colors change. Enough that I decided - some time in the future I plan to do one like Jeannie on the KAL. She is mixing Rainbow Kauni (EQ) with Teal Kauni (EZ) and is using her own pattern instead of the boxes.. So pretty:
See this:
I've been bad this week - ordered three kits I have really wanted for a long time:
A Wild Apple Bohus - go here and click on Nyheter and scroll down
and this Poetry in Stitches kit
and this !Henry VIII by Starmore
My hot flashes have subsided and I decided I want pullovers. So that is that for me and yarn this year.. No more until I work my stash down some. Except for my "sock of the month club"! Heh, heh,.. joined the one at RedKnits.
Have a great week!