Wednesday, March 7, 2007

How long can a programmer program?

I've spent a lot of time lately thinking about my future - the next 7 yrs of it before I officially (ie, can afford to) retire. This kind of thinking seems to come around my birthday - this year I turn 58 (May 9). I'm wondering how much longer I can keep doing what I do. How long can a programmer program? I've been doing it since 1978 - 29 years.

Its not that I'm not smart enough anymore. And I love to program. It is challenging and satisfying. Its just that my eyes cannot stare at a monitor for 8-11 hrs (yesterday I worked an 11 hr day without breaks) anymore (my left eye has ached ever since the dr put that thingy directly on it when doing the glaucoma test) and I am not productive when I'm interrupted every 5 mins. I'm making a lot of mistakes and I pride myself on the quality of my work.

Maybe this is just a phase. Maybe its just the project I'm on right now. I think I would be feeling less stressed if I could take lunch breaks again like I used to and knit.

I have a conference with my boss tomorrow and I'm going to be honest with him. Something has to change. I don't know what.

Count your blessings if you don't have to work or have a job you enjoy.



Sheryl said...

FYI, I work in accounting and find that when I take my lunch (and knit) I'm much less likely to make mistakes(that I have to correct!). It's just a bit of down time and a rest for the eyes too!

RickiLynn said...

Thanks Sheryl. I think I just need to "do it". Maybe walk away from my desk and my boss who sits right next to me so I can relax more. Sometime tho - when the deadlines are near its hard to stop.


Cheryl said...

The sweater looks great Ricki....I have been doing my job since I was 18 and I just turned 31. The last 29 years have been with the same hospital...I am wondering a lot lately how long one can do the same job. I was at a gathering yesterday and was told people change their jobs three times in a lifetime. I find myself daydreaming about opening a yarn store. Have thought about it for 25 years but jow with the online availabilty and the expanded reach i am really considering it. We shall see.....