And started the cuff of sleeve two with my favorite knitting implements. Suddenly I had two free ones - noticed the stitches had slid off of one - and as I was diligently trying to pick them back up - this happened! Arrghhh!!!! Sorry about the photo quality but I didn't think they deserved another snap. I HATE DPN's and I don't care who hears me!!

So I finished the rounds using my one circular as a substitute and as soon as possible moved to the circular.. and no more DPN's for me no sirree no maam.. at least not for a long while! So here is my second sleeve:

If it goes like the first one - it will another two weeks of work. The pattern rows slow me down. So I think I may just finish this thing despite my protests!
And I am now the proud owner of a new Furnace/A/C - Love them! Have a variable speed furnace now so it doesn't have the wide swings (it is constantly circulating the air) and its quiet. And tonight - its 75 outside and was about 85 in my bedroom so I decided to switch it to A/C. Aaahh.. I was afraid it wouldn't cool my bedroom but I'm pleasantly surprised. Not COLD - just comfy. Definitely enough to replace my air cooler. So - life is good here in Colorado today despite the loss of a DPN!