Sunday, May 13, 2007

The yard needs me!

I would post a new photo of my Melon shawl - but it doesn't look any different - just longer. I've done about 47 repeats out of 61.. so its moving slowly.

My excuse (misfortune) is my gigantic back yard. I think I have pulled at least 100 dandelions over the last 3 weeks but yesterday I went out and there must have been another 100 going to seed with all those cottony flyaway thingies flying everywhere. Its a losing battle. And today (Mother's Day) is the day most people plant annuals in Colorado. But its going up to 90 and frankly - I decided I'd rather be enjoying my new A/C and knitting for awhile. Maybe next week.

I mentionned the dog bite case. I was a victim of the criminal justice system in fact some were comparing my situation to the OJ trial. Last June - YES - LAST JUNE - I took my two manic border collies to a dog park to work off some of that energy. When we arrived - there were two ladies with two dogs. All four dogs barked at each other. I made mine sit to relax. One of the other lady held onto her dog near the gate. My oldest went up that dog - started sniffing. I turned to close the gate and ALAS - a dog fight broke out. I tried not to get bitten - but the other woman held onto her dog and my dog bit her hand. I didn't realize she was hurt - eventually got my dog under control and moved to the other side of the park. This woman didn't leave right away but apparently was VERY hurt. She left, I went home and an hour later Animal Control was at my house. Its a long story but I was charged with a misdemeanor for "unlawful Attack" against the other dog.

I ended up pleading "no contest" - I REALLY didn't have the time to go thru a trial - even tho everyone told me she should have let go. But the judge wanted to keep control over the situation (I had already informed my homeowner's insurance they would be getting her bills).. and rescheduled a restitution hearing. This was last Dec. The hearing was rescheduled twice since my insurance company was working with her lawyer to finalize the bills. So - last Wed (on my birthday) was another hearing. My lawyer FINALLY got the criminal side closed. YAY!

I still have the civil side to deal with - but the insurance co pays for my lawyer and my policy should (unless she asks for an arm and a leg) cover her bills. If I had been told to pay her bills from the criminal side - the insurance co said they wouldn't pay - but now that's is on the civil side - they will. HEAVY SIGH OF RELIEF!

So that is my tale of woe. I hope none of you ever go to court and have to hear "The State of XXXX and the county of XXX versus YOUR NAME". It hurts!

Have a good week!

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