After spending the last 4 years reading and lurking around the knitting community - I've decided to start 2007 with my own blog. Not sure how this will work out since I am a terribly slow knitter with limited time ( I am a senior software developer at Qwest Communications in Denver Colorado, own two hyperactive border collies, and have a large home to maintain) . However - I still try to knit as much as I can in addition to reading (my other passion).
Lately - I'm been trying to learn Fair Isle. My first attempt was Philosopher's Wool (PW) Tradition cardigan in Deep Sea. It was a great way to learn the technique (get their book and DVD if you want to learn it) since its a lot easier to maintain tension when you are weaving frequently.
Right now I'm near the neck shaping of Jade Starmore's Rosarie vest. Hoping to finish it by the end of the week. Then I plan to start Dale of Norway's St Moritz which will probably take me the next 3-5 months!
I've decided to join Wendy's "Knit from Your Stash in 2007" KAL - but hope to last thru all of 2007 (you should see my stash..) - except for one visit to the Denver Creative Festival since I want to meet the Bourgeois's (PW). I know I won't be able to resist being near all that yarn!
I'm going to try to post some photos of my projects - I don't have a new photo of the vest since the charger broke for my camera (hoping to get a new one soon!) Looking forward to sharing and learning from all of you out there!
My PW cardigan:

The start of my Rosarie vest: